6 Activities for National Sibling Day
Want to go beyond a cute Insta post and really do something to celebrate National Sibling Day with your kids? We’ve got you covered with 6 super simple, super sweet sibling activities for a happy National Siblings Day!
What is National Siblings Day?
National Sibling Day falls on April 10th each year.
How Do You Celebrate National Siblings Day?
We recommend keeping it simple and focusing on ways you can foster sibling connection. Here are some ideas for sweet sibling bonding activities to help your littles enjoy time with their brothers or sisters!
How Do You Celebrate National Siblings Day?
We recommend keeping it simple and focusing on ways you can foster sibling connection. Here are some ideas for sweet sibling bonding activities to help your littles enjoy time with their brothers or sisters!
National Siblings Day Activities
1. Siblings Photoshoot
Capture the magic of siblinghood with a cute little photoshoot. Professional sessions will give you some beautiful photos, but creating your own DIY photoshoot at home can be just as cute and even more fun for your littles.
If you want to go all out, treat it like a photobooth and provide props like hats, funny glasses, or a makeshift backdrop. They’ll love hamming it up for the camera together, and you may get a few silly shots that perfectly sum up their relationship.
2. Play a Game Together
Carving out some time for play on National Sibling Day is super simple but still meaningful. And after all, what’s more central to their relationship than playtime? Whether it's a classic board game, a round of "the floor is lava," or inventing their own game, social play is the ultimate form of quality time for kiddos.
If your kids are old enough, try a game of “Which Sibling?” where you sit the kids back-to-back with each holding one of their own shoes and one shoe of each of their siblings. Ask them questions like “Who is the best dancer? Who loves pizza the most? Who gets the most excited for Grandma’s visits?” They’ll raise the shoe of the sibling they think fits the best and then turn around to see each other’s answers!
3. Collaborative Arts and Crafts Project
From handprint murals to drawings of each other, arts and crafts projects are a great way to get your kids collaborating and thinking about each other on National Sibling Day!
One of our favorite ideas is a photo collage. Print out pictures of them together; give them a large poster board, some glue sticks, and stickers for decoration; and let them sort through their favorite photos as they create their collage! Include recent pics as well as older photos that might spark sweet memories. If your littles tend to bicker (as all siblings do at times!),the older photos can be a subtle way to remind them of how excited they were when their little brother came home from the hospital or how much fun they had on vacation last summer.
4. Story Time
A fun twist on your usual story time could be letting the kids choose a story from the bookshelf they think each sibling will love. It’s a simple way to encourage thoughtfulness and to help each child feel loved by their siblings.
Or you could choose picture books that showcase strong sibling relationships. Check your local library to reserve a copy of All Things Bright and Beautiful by Helen Lanzrein (for sisters and brothers), Maple and Willow Together by Lori Nichols (for sisters), Brothers at Bat by Audrey Vernick (for brothers) for inspiring stories of sibling relationships. For older kids, longer read-alouds like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan feature timeless sibling adventures (though you won’t be able to finish them in one day, of course!)
5. Picnic at the Park
Take the sibling activities outdoors with a little picnic. Pack some favorite snacks for all the kiddos and head to the backyard picnic table , park, or even a nearby zoo for extra adventure! If the weather isn’t cooperating, picnics on the living room floor can be just as fun! The focus is on sharing a meal and creating a relaxed atmosphere for siblings to connect.
6. Movie Night
Turn National Siblings Day into a cozy movie night complete with popcorn and a sibling-focused movie. Some ideas include
- Frozen
- Despicable Me
- The Incredibles
- The Goonies
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe
- Mary Poppins
- The Sound of Music
- Race to Witch Mountain
- The Aristocats
- Yours, Mine, & Ours
- Cheaper by the Dozen
Choose an option that’s age appropriate for your littles and is closest to their sibling dynamic! Make it extra memorable by setting up pallets or a blanket fort to snuggle up in as you watch the film.
Your National Siblings Day celebrations don’t have to be complicated to be meaningful. Setting up simple activities and communicating your own excitement about the day and its meaning can help your kids feel love and gratitude for their brothers and sisters and look forward to National Siblings Day each year!