Back to School Organization
It’s almost time for a feed full of adorable back-to-school picks. While those cute little faces are always beaming, we all know that the behind-the-scenes process of getting ready for the first day can feel super hectic. Investing a little time now in a strong organizational setup can make all the difference for the first day and beyond. Our back-to-school organization tips will help set the kiddoes (and you!) for a super smooth school year!
Desk/ Homework Area Organization
- Distraction-free (quiet, no unnecessary screens)
- Ergonomically friendly (that means kid-sized tables and chairs if possible)
- Clutter-free (because clutter is a distraction in itself)
This will help your littles stay focused as they work … so they can get back to playing asap! A kids desk is perfect, and ours come with almost everything they’ll need to stay organized as they get their work done. Built-in folder dividers can help them organize their folders for different classes, and the drawers are the perfect space to stash their backpacks, books, or spare school supplies. If a desk doesn't fit your space or budget, your craft table, kid-sized table, or your dining room table (with a booster seat if necessary) can work just as well. If it’s a multi-functional space, just try to keep the other activities (like crafts, toys, dishes etc.) out of the way when it’s schoolwork time.
Clothes Organization
Image from: The Organized Mama
Getting ready in the mornings is 100x easier if the kids can easily find their clothes and dress themselves. We love the idea of laying out two outfits the night before for them to choose from – they’ll have a little freedom without being overwhelmed. You can hang them on their doorknob, or set them up with a child-sized wardrobe for ultimate independence. (This approach is a favorite among Montessori-at-home families.)
Of course, that doesn't necessarily make things easier on you if their drawers and closet are a mess. For that, we recommend doing a serious declutter before the start of school. Part ways with anything that’s too small, damaged or never worn. If you didn’t jump on the KonMari bandwagon when Tidying Up hit Netflix a few years ago, it’s definitely time to try out her vertical-folding method. It takes a little adjusting, but it definitely helps drawers stay way neater, especially when you pair it with a few organizing baskets.
Backpack Organization
Less is more when it comes to backpacks – both for organization and for the sake of your kiddo’s backs. Try to make sure they’re packed as lightly as possible. Any heavy items like books should be towards the bottom of the pack. Other than that, Folders with dividers and pencil bags can help keep that pack from becoming a sea of broken crayons and crumpled papers – plus a little bit of help from you. While you’ll definitely want to encourage independence over time, your new-to-school littles might need some help keeping things organized for the first few years. When you check their homework or sign a form, take a peek in that backpack to see if they need a little more guidance as they build their own organizational habits.
Entryway Organization
Image from: Modern Parents Messy Kids
Organizing the all-important entryway is key to getting out the door with backpacks, shoes, and jackets, and making sure those items don’t end up on the floor (or totally lost!) once the kids get home. If you don’t have room for an elaborate mudroom setup, don’t worry. All you really need is a place for kids to hang their things and take off their shoes. A few low hooks and a simple shoe tray will do the trick. A spot for each kid complete with labels will help prevent mix-ups...and those inevitable squabbles over the “good” hook.
Be sure to check out our full guide to Getting Ready for Back to School for more back-to-school tips! Lastly, if you want to shop for kids’ furniture by age, check out our collections for 3-to-5 year olds and 5-to-7 year olds!