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KidKraft Parent Series: Favorite Outdoor Toys for Toddlers

Girl playing with dolls in front of dollhouse

Favorite Outdoor Toys for Toddlers

When we were rounding up recommendations for the best outdoor toys for toddlers, we wanted to go straight to the source: the toddlers themselves. But since they were napping, we settled for the next best thing – their parents. Here’s what seven of our favorite KidKraft parents had to say when we asked about their toddlers’ favorite outdoor toys!


LAUREN O’CONNER: Bubbles, Sidewalk Chalk, & Family Games

Lauren is KidKraft’s Senior Account Manager and mom of a four year old toddler.

1. Our favorite outdoor items are bubbles and sidewalk chalk! Lily loves to create and show off her drawings and writing her name.

2. We love to go for long walks outside as well as play hide and seek! We try to use our imagination as much as possible and just enjoy the beautiful weather together!


NERINGA MIKUTAITE: Playground Slides

Neringa is KidKraft’s Financial Assistant and mom of a toddler.

It's that simple playground slide for us!

My boy loves watching the other kids go down the slide and then going and trying it for himself. It's always fun, and it doesn’t hurt that trying to walk up the slide tires him out for better sleep at night!

TAYLOR HERRERO: Bubbles, Cozy Escape Playhouse, & Imagination

Taylor is KidKraft’s Director of Digital Marketing and a girl mom.

1. Good old fashioned bubbles! The whole family gets into this one, including the dog who loves to jump up and eat them.

2. Our KidKraft Cozy Escape Playhouse. I love how my daughter can explore and play on her own while I take care of things in the yard or house. She gets some much needed independence while I get a few uninterrupted moments too!

3. Pure imagination – especially pretending to be explorers! This one brings back so many memories of being a kid and imagining that my yard was a giant forest, full of obstacles and challenges. It's so fun to see what my daughter will make believe and to pretend to be a kid again too.

GEOFF WALKER: Nerf Footballs & Scooters

Geoff Walker is KidKraft’s CEO and a dad of two teenagers.

When my kids were younger, playing outside was all about burning off energy with things we could do together as a family. We loved to play catch, and our Razor scoots and Nerf footballs were constantly in use.

LEAH HOOKE: Bikes + Skates, Sidewalk Chalk, & Imagination

Leah is part of KidKraft’s Dealer Support team and is a mom of two under 10.

Our girls love scooters/ bikes/ roller skates! They love being active and able to zoom around with friends. Also, you can never go wrong with some sidewalk chalk and an endless imagination!

KAREN CANE: Water Beads

Karen is KidKraft’s Assistant Brand Manager and is a busy mom of three kids, 6 and under.

We love playing with water beads both outside and inside! They're the best sensory items for kids and adults.

Need some more outdoor inspiration for your toddler? Follow us on Instagram where we’ll feature other parents’ favorite outdoor KidKraft toys all summer long! And be sure to browse through KidKraft’s full line of outdoor toys, including swing sets, playhouses, and toddler climbers!


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