Made For Play
Explore child development through play, find inspiration for your next DIY project, and discover tips for selecting the perfect toys for your little ones.
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6 Ideas to Break Up Kids' Tech Time
If your child’s screen time is starting to feel out of hand, you are so not alone. Managing screen time is always a challenge, but these days, it’s extra tough. Virtual learning is adding hours of screen time to kids’ days and cutting out extracurriculars and playtime with peers, leaving kids even more prone to turning to tech for entertainment. So what’s a busy parent to do? First, let go of any parental guilt – this season is tough. Second, try to work a few of these back-to-basics ideas into your kids’ daily routine to get them moving, creating, and using their imaginations! Cook Something Even if “cook” just means “spread-peanut-butter-on-toast” for your kid, giving them something to do in the kitchen is a great sensory and fine motor activity. Scooping and measuring build math skills, and kids are more likely to try food they helped create. For a few ideas, check out these kid-friendly recipes you can make together! Craft Something Craft areas and maker spaces don’t have to be fancy or expensive to be effective. And you don’t have to plan out Pinterest-worthy crafts. In fact, there are real benefits to open-ended art projects that let kids take the lead. With a few basics, kids are great at coming up with their own ideas. Stock your craft station with a few age appropriate supplies like safety scissors, glue sticks, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, paper towel rolls, craft pom poms, metal brads, and construction paper. (Of course, adjust according to the age of your kids!) Build Something Constructive play with things like blocks, building bricks, magnetic tiles, train sets, or play dough is engaging and brain-boosting. If your kids lose interest in building quickly, play with them to model how you can create and come up with your own ideas. Before long, they’ll be constructing their own masterpieces. Get Outside Making outdoor time a priority might be the single most important thing we can do to reduce our kids’ screen time and help them stay healthy and active. Investing in outdoor toys like playhouses, sandboxes, and swing sets is a great way to make the backyard more enticing. Walks, nature scavenger hunts, bike rides, trips to the park, and a backyard garden are other ideas that can become an easy, fun part of your regular routine. Make Reading Fun We all know how great reading is for kids. But if we force them to shut off their favorite app and pick up a book, reading can start to feel like a punishment instead of something fun – and what a shame that would be! To raise lifelong readers, try keep reading time fun, kid-led, and low pressure. Keep their bookshelf fresh with weekly visits to your local library (or weekly pickup if your library is closed). Read together with your best voices. Let them see you reading books that you really enjoy. Set up a cozy reading nook and let them decorate it with their own art and favorite pillows, blankets, and plushies. Offer special treats like herbal teas or frothed milk to make reading time even cozier and happier. Use Tech to Inspire Play If your kiddos are still clinging tightly to their TV time, use that interest to your advantage with pretend play inspired by their favorite characters. If they’ve been playing Netflix’s Over the Moon on repeat, “bake” some of those famous mooncakes together in their play kitchen. If they’re all about the princess category on Disney+, princess-themed dolls and dollhouses are sure to be a hit. Whatever they’re into, use it to re-spark interest in roleplay, pretend play, and open-ended toys. Hang in there, parents! You’re doing great.

How Much Sand For a Sandbox
Ready to fill up your sandbox and let your little one get to playing? Here’s how you can figure out exactly how much sand you’ll need to purchase for your sandbox to get the party started! Step 1: Calculate the area of your sandbox For square and rectangular sandboxes, that means length x width. If your sandbox is new, you should be able to find this information on the packaging somewhere. If not, be sure to measure the interior of your sandbox when you’re taking measurements.So if your sandbox is 5’ x 5’, you’ll have 25 square feet to fill with sand. Step 2: Decide how deep you want the sand to be First, you’ll need to know how tall your sandbox is. From there, you can decide how deep you’ll want the sand to be. It’s usually a good idea to leave a few inches of space at the top. Filling your sandbox to the brim can make it tough to put on protective covers – not to mention, it will be hard for your kiddos to even get in their sandbox!So, let’s say your 5’ x 5’ sandbox is 8” deep. We recommend 4-6” of sand. Step 3: Calculate the volume of sand you need Ready to make your high school geometry teacher proud? Play sand is usually sold in bags that measure it by the cubic foot. In other words, you need to know the volume of sand you need to make your purchase. For square and rectangular sandboxes, this is your area (the measurement from step 1) multiplied by the height you want your sand to reach. Or to put it simply, length x width x height. Remember that you need all your measurements to be in feet. So if you’re measuring the height of your sand in inches, divide that number by 12 to get your height in feet. For example, 6” is equivalent to 0.5’. So, if you want 6 inches of sand in your 5’ x 5’ x 8” sandbox, you’ll multiply 5’ x 5’ x 0.5’ to find how many cubic feet of sand you need. In this case, it’s about 12.5 cubic feet! Step 4: Determine how many bags of sand you’ll need Play sand is usually sold in 50 lb bags that contain approximately ½ cubic feet of sand. So to figure out exactly how many bags you’ll need, take your volume measurement from step 3 and multiply it by 2.So to get the 12.5 cubic feet of sand we’ll need for our 5’ x 5’ sandbox, we’ll need to buy about 25 bags of play sand! What about circular sandboxes? All of the steps above apply to circular sandboxes as well. You’ll just use a different formula to calculate the area and volume. Of course, if you can find that information on the packaging, that’s your easiest option! If not, you’ll need to measure the diameter of the circle yourself. Then, divide that number by 2 to get the radius. To calculate the area of the circle, multiply the radius by itself and then by π (3.14). So for a circle, area = pi x radius x radius or A = πr2With the area calculated, you can follow steps 2 - 4 as normal. Simply multiply the area of the circle by the height of sand you want (in feet) to calculate how many cubic feet of sand you’ll need. Shop KidKraft Sandboxes Of course, before you buy the sand, you’ll need the perfect sandbox! Our large wooden sandboxes are sturdy, sleek, and ready for playtime!

12 Playhouse Decor Ideas
Playhouses are just too cute to not want to decorate them a little. I mean, who can resist tiny wreaths and picket fences? And the interiors? Tiny furniture? Cozy reading nooks? We’re all about it. Here are some of our favorite playhouse decorating ideas for swoon-worthy playhouses: For the exterior Planter Boxes & Wreaths Tons of our favorite KidKraft playhouse DIYs feature adorable tiny wreaths and planter boxes. They’re an easy, inexpensive way to add a lot of extra cheer to the playhouse. Mailboxes Sure, the mail person isn’t coming to visit, but tiny mailboxes just look so precious – plus, they give you the chance to sneak sweet notes to your kiddos as they play. If your playhouse didn’t come standard with a mailbox, adding a little letterbox like this one is easy. Custom Paint Job If you’re up for a bigger project, a custom paint job can give your playhouse the exact vibe you’re looking for – from storybook cottage to farmhouse to modern. We’ve been so inspired by all of the custom KidKraft playhouse paint jobs we see on Instagram that we made a playhouse just for that purpose: the Modern Outdoor Playhouse in White is the perfect blank slate for whatever color scheme you or your littles can think up. String Lights Now that daylight hours are getting shorter, outdoor twinkle lights are a fun way to add a little magic to evening play. We especially love the look of Edison bulbs for lining the edge of your playhouse. Just be sure to use lights made for the outdoors! Welcome Mat Simple, precious, and practical, adding a welcome mat to your kiddo’s front door is a cute way to keep it clean and welcome friends inside for a playdate. Holiday Decorations If you’re like us, you have a little too much fun decorating for the holidays, and you might have just a few too many decorative pumpkins and snowmen in the attic. So spreading some holiday fun to the playhouse every season is a no brainer. We love these cozy fall decorations on our Hobby Workshop playhouse and these not so spooky Halloween decorations on our Country Vista model. If you do decorate your KidKraft playhouse for fall or Christmas this year, be sure to share and use #kidkraftkids. We’d love to see what you come up with. For the interior With the outside looking inviting and adorable, next comes the question: what do you put in a playhouse? After all, this is where all the magic and make believe really happen! Curtains Decorative and super fun for kids to open and close, curtains effortlessly dress up your little one’s own personal hideout. Café curtains are usually just the right size for playhouse windows. Kid-sized furniture Depending on the size of your playhouse, a piece or two of kid-sized furniture could be a great addition. While you don’t want to overcrowd the space, furniture can add to the realism of the playhouse and help facilitate more imaginative roleplay. Shelves While you might be tempted to fill the shelves yourself, you’ll have more fun seeing what your littles decide to put on them. Some favorite toys, their own artwork, a collection of pinecones or feathers… the possibilities are really endless with kids. Cushions & pillows Even as an adult, cuddling up in a personal getaway with your favorite book sounds amazing, doesn’t it? A few fluffy cushions or pillows can turn the playhouse into a cozy outdoor reading nook. Of course, to avoid mold or mildew, make sure to use outdoor cushions. Rugs Rugs are another playhouse accessory that can up the coziness factor. Again, be sure to go for outdoor rugs to avoid mold and mildew. Outdoor toys & games The playhouse can be an ideal place to store a few outdoor toys. It will (mostly) protect them from the elements, and kids will have easier access to them than if they were stored in a shed or garage. While big toys like basketball hoops will take up too much space, smaller things like miniature golf sets, balls, and gardening or sandbox tools make for fun additions to playhouse time.For more playhouse decorating and accessory ideas, keep up with us on Instagram. Parents are always wowing us with the way their playhouse DIYs, and we’re sure you’ll find plenty of inspiration too.And if you’re still searching for the perfect playhouse to decorate, our quality wooden playhouses have classic, aesthetic designs and “great bones” for any projects you have in mind.